Category: The Medical Profession

Metamorphosis of a Movement

Today I gave my farewell speech as President of VdGM, The European Young Family Doctor’s of WONCA, The World Family Doctor’s Organisation. Here you can read the transcript of my speech in full: I have had the honour of being your president since January 2017 but for a moment I wish to speak to you …

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What it means to be human 

Yesterday I had to ask a patient to leave my GP room as they were being physically and verbally aggressive and I feared for my safety. They were angry because they wanted a service that I did not think it was safe or right to give. Some people would say “what a terrible person they …

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Classic #TIA day! 

Classic #TIA day!  First I find out that due to other unavoidable commitments, I will be presenting alone at the MOH today without my Ugandan colleagues… Okay no big deal, I’m prepared and I have done my fair share of tough speeches before.  😎 But then…Arrived at ministry of health after having travelled 100’s km …

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