Category: The Medical Profession

Doctors in the Mist

Wanted: GPs for Remote Rural Hospital in Uganda…  Living in Liverpool and Sheffield, never having met, we were two recently qualified GPs, already feeling jaded with clinical practice in the UK. We were both searching to find an overseas long term placement that would allow us to combine direct clinical care with capacity building for …

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Thoughts on medical volunteering…

Yesterday some visiting doctors came to the hospital as part of a wilderness medicine tour of uganda. I had the pleasure of hosting a couple of cardiologists on our ward and answering their questions about life as a doctor here. Later that evening they invited me up to their lodge to meet the rest of …

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Writ large in our eyes

His hands are wringing, frail and wasted with disease, bones straining to break through stretched paper thin skin. Yellowed blood shot eyes staring up at me with a pleading expression, seeking out my eyes for some truth, some answers, some hope. Myself, reflected back in those glassy jaundiced pools of desperation, compassionate but struggling to …

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