Why I support the Junior Doctors strike 

I am currently working in a place where children die because their parents can’t afford to pay for treatment or keep up regular health insurance payments, where doctors work crazy hours for pretty poor pay and consequently make mistakes that cause harm and cost lives … Here people desperately want their health system to move forward and aspire to be more like the NHS… This is not a unique situation or aspiration, but one reflected in many nations around the world… Why on earth are our government trying to move us in the opposite direction?
I am no longer a junior doctor, but I struggled to get to where I am today financially, intellectually and emotionally… Often sacrificing money, time, relationships and sanity for the love of the job and the NHS. Junior doctors now face higher workloads, higher university fees, huge debts, poor morale and intense working conditions and a sparse rota as their colleagues flee or burn out in droves. 

And the solution to this? To increase hours and cut wages, leaving mortgages unpaid, children uncared for and an ever increasing exodus from the profession as exhausted doctors ( and nurses and physios and all the other dedicated underpaid overworked and under appreciated NHS staff) try their best to keep delivering care to those in need. Not forgetting of course there is no respite on the way as all the negative spin and deteriorating working conditions have contributed to one of the worst recruitments crises in medicine in recent history…

Let’s combine that with all the other appalling IMPOSED conditions the current government has brought in…

Ultimately what does all this mean… Patients and the public WILL SUFFER! a tragedy is already occurring in healthcare settings around the country and this will continue to escalate. Supporting our junior doctors is not just about them, it is about ALL OF US. 

We are all just a mistake, an accident, a random chance away from our lives being in their hands! Please, let’s help those hands be awake, alert, well trained, well resourced, well supported and not panicking about their children having no childcare, their mortgages defaulting or their partners leaving them as they are never at home and always stressed!

  I am overwhelmed by what is happening to public services and the NHS under this giver net. I wish I could be there to come out and show my support in person! ✊ it just seems so ridiculous when I see what I see working here (rural Uganda) every day.  I see how the solutions to so many of their problems lie in moving towards a stronger state sponsored health and welfare system, a security net for the travesties that life can so ruthlessly impose… 

…And there is my country that has worked so hard to build that safety net, and yes needs to refine it but still … There it is capable of catching and supporting so many and with so much scope for growth and development to be stronger and better… And there they are, the Tories and their ilk, calmly and intentionally unpicking that net, cutting holes in it and watching people start to slip through. Travesty!

So, yes I support the junior doctors strike, because I agree that it is #notfairnotsafe but also because it is another step towards the demoralisation and destabilisation of the most beautiful creation of our generation… The NHS!

If I don’t convince you maybe this chap will: 

Harry Leslie Smith 

Or this one… (Nye Bevan)


Permanent link to this article: http://www.clairemariethomas.com/2016/02/why-i-support-the-junior-doctors-strike/

Thoughts on medical volunteering…

Yesterday some visiting doctors came to the hospital as part of a wilderness medicine tour of uganda. I had the pleasure of hosting a couple of cardiologists on our ward and answering their questions about life as a doctor here. Later that evening they invited me up to their lodge to meet the rest of the group and asked me to give a brief impromptu talk about my thoughts on medical volunteering. I was a bit unprepared to say the least, but as usual pressure has distilled my thoughts and I thought I would share them with you here. IMG_1811

1) Enough is never enough Say it. Hold it. Accept it. Own it. You cannot save everyone and you will not succeed in changing everything that frustrates and concerns you. Coming to terms with this early on will save you a world of pain and potential insanity.

2) Sustaining compassion for others requires self compassion When you don’t succeed don’t beat yourself up. People die, projects fail, bad things WILL happen and you cannot be responsible for preventing all of them. Being kind to yourself is a vital component in maintaining your mental and physical health, without which you will not have the energy to continue maintaining the mental and physical health of others. That doesn’t mean you ignore mistakes and mishaps, of course you should examine them and seek learning and growth opportunities. However, don’t waste your energy flagellating yourself, focus on moving forward and learning how these bad situations might be better avoided in the future.

3) Fuel your fire When something terrible happens or you witness something unjust and frustrating… Don’t give up! Don’t roll over and play dead! Don’t turn away because it is all to overwhelming! Take it all in and use it as a force for good, to ignite your passion…as fuel for the fire! Turn it into energy that drives you forward! Remember it not as a tragedy, but as a call to action! Many movements for positive social change in the world are triggered by a moment of realisation, often born out of tragedy, that inspires passion and drive for a better future. Don’t let tragedies be wasted, respect them, honour them and allow them to spark your motivation to prevent further tragedies from occurring. VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

4) The west most certainly does NOT know best Volunteering in resource poor complex social environments is a humbling experience. It can also be very frustrating. You may often throw your hands up in despair at perceived inefficiencies and seemingly illogical behaviours that, when compared to your own culture, make no sense to you. But understand that every culture and society is different, built on a complex web of historical events, politics, conflict, man made and natural disasters, domineering personalities, religious influences, geographical and environmental effects… The list is endless! You cannot possibly expect to instantly understand all of this intimately and instantly. You cannot possibly expect the cultural and social norms that apply form your own complex cultural background to be perfectly translated to the new world in which you find yourself. Take the time to listen deeply and observe astutely. Be patient and humble… You will likely learn more than you could ever teach and you will likely be personally transformed to a greater degree than any change you might seek to effect.

5) Communication is key Make it your mission in life to learn as much of the local language as you can.  Get lessons form a local and practice at every opportunity even though most of the time you will get it wrong and people will laugh at you or give you strange looks.  Learn colloquialisms and local stock phrases and parables to get insight into the local culture and how people express themselves. this will help you not just in speaking but also in listening and understanding what has been interpreted for you.  However, never underestimate the power of non-verbal communication.  Get on your knees and make eye contact, place a hand appropriately and sensitively on a shoulder or hand, look for the subtle changes in the facial wrinkles and eyes that tell you more than words ever will. Some things are simply universal.  

6) First do no harm Providing clinical care alone may cause more harm than good. It might be jolly interesting for you, but it may not actually best serve the people you are trying to help. This is the real core issue in medical volunteering as I see it. Taking on posts where the main focus is to provide clinical cover in place of locally available health workers is a risky business. It may seem that you are doing good when you are treating the patient in front of you, but consider, if you will, the long term implications… Your presence may remove any impetus for further development of local staff, creating a dependency on volunteers. Those volunteers may not always be there, leaving behind gaping holes that can destabilise already fragile systems. Or let’s say there is a sustainable stream of volunteers, well how will the local system ever strive to develop itself and its own people when it can be so easily propped by volunteers? What if there are perfectly decent local health workers who are not getting employment because all their potential jobs are all filled by well meaning volunteers? It may not only hinder progress, in some situations it can actually lead to regression! This leads me to my final thought…

7) The goal must always be to no longer be needed Any medical volunteering role, perhaps with the exception of acute humanitarian emergencies (although I think ultimately it still applies), should be focused on capacity building local staff and systems… Teaching, training, mentoring, quality improvement, research and development. Working side by side with locals to increase the sustainable capacity of local health workers and systems. That is what it is all about… We should not need to be there at all. We should all be seeking to create a world in which each country can sustain its own health system without depending on the charity of others.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.clairemariethomas.com/2016/02/thoughts-on-medical-volunteering/

All the things we cannot say

People keep asking me why I am not blogging much about my time here as a volunteer doctor at Bwindi Community Hospital, Uganda. I suppose it is largely that the things I find most fascinating and the opinions I have consequently developed are not always appropriate to write about publically. Some things  might upset or offend my new friends and community or perhaps exploit them in a way that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Needless to say I find countless intrigues and dilemmas in my data to day life here, whether they be complex and oft tragic clinical scenarios, disturbing ethical challenges, or clashes of culture and religious philosophy.

It is a familiar situation, as I faced the same conflict of interest when I was working in Nepal: the things that were most interesting to me were the very things that could have disrupted and destroyed my work and relationships had I ever voiced them out loud.

I am not sure how other bloggers overcome this… Perhaps by blogging anonymously, although I think that is hard to truly achieve in this technological age, where even the tribesman in the deep bush has a phone with 3G and facebook!

So, some of you will just have to wait until we meet in person to hear some of the “Clectures” generated by the my time here. Until then I will however endeavour to blog a bit more and search for the things I can share with you here.

Til we meet again…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.clairemariethomas.com/2016/01/all-the-things-we-cannot-say/

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