Category: Travel & Adventure

Home for just a while

Just over 24hrs til we set foot in the UK! Whilst I am absolutely loving my time in Uganda (beautiful, warm, adventurous, friendly, lovely place) there are a few things I will be looking forward to over the next 2 weeks at home. Some are specific to the UK, some just about not being deep …

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The ebb and flow 

When I was an undergraduate student I spent most of my university breaks in Zambia, setting up our SKIP project there. People used to ask me what the difference was between life in UK and life in Zambia and why I was so enamoured with it.  My response invariably went something like this… In the …

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Thoughts on medical volunteering…

Yesterday some visiting doctors came to the hospital as part of a wilderness medicine tour of uganda. I had the pleasure of hosting a couple of cardiologists on our ward and answering their questions about life as a doctor here. Later that evening they invited me up to their lodge to meet the rest of …

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